![黑丝 少妇 英语温习率领---完形填空----完形填空测试样题及解题念念路 【医学考研版】](/uploads/allimg/240829/29144911010OG.jpg)
Sample 1.Many teachers believe that the responsibilities for learning lie with the student. If a long reading assignment is given, instructors expect students to be familiar with the 1 in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or take an examination. The 2 student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of 3 , not the one interested only in getting high grades. Sometimes homework is returned with brief written comments but without a grade. Even if a grade is not given, the student is 4 for learning the material assigned. When research is assigned, the professor expects the student to take it actively and to complete it with 5 guidance. It is the student`s reponsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain 6 a university library works; they expect students, particularly graduate students, to be able to exhaust the reference 7 in the library. Professors will help students who need it, but 8 that their students should not be too dependent on them. In the United States professors have many other duties besides teaching, such as administrative or research work. 9 , the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is limited. If a student has problems with classroom work, the student should either 10 a professor during office hours or make an appointment.医学陶冶网1.[A] suggestion[B] context [C] abstract [D] information2.[A] poor [B] ideal [C] any [D] disappointed3.[A] fun [B] work [C] learning [D] prize4.[A] criticized[B] innocent [C] responsible[D] dismissed5.[A] maximum [B] minimum [C] assistant`s[D] practical6.[A] when [B] what [C] why [D] how医学陶冶网7.[A] selections[B] collections[C] sources [D] origins8.[A] hate [B] dislike [C] like [D] prefer9.[A] However [B] Therefore [C] Furthermore[D] Nevertheless10.[A] greet [B] annoy [C] approach [D] attach 医学 陶冶网征集整理 解题念念路1.谜底为D项。四个采用项都可作念名词,从语法结构上分析,每个谜底都可填入空缺处,但从句子的语义来看,阅读的想法是但愿从中获取某些信息,因此采用information,它是“尊府;谍报;信息”; context示意“(著作的)高下文”,如: We should guess the meaning of a word from the context.(咱们该从高下文中猜词义); abstract指“摘抄”。研究高下文,不丢丑出,都是在打法了阅读功课之后,是但愿学生熟悉阅读著作里的一些内容,其他三个采用的词义与整句句意不符。 2.谜底为B项 摘自: 医 学教 育网www.med66.com 。尽管四个采用项都能修饰名词(它们是形容词),但字据语法则则,名词student前边不成同期有 the与 any两个放弃词来修饰,因此领先摈斥C项。A项与D项,固然从语法结构上讲得通,关联词把它们与通盘句子的风趣研究起来就让东谈主感到费解。因此,从语意上看,只消 ideal相宜高下文语义,即:“梦想的学生不是只对获高分感意思,而且具有为获取知识而学习的能源”。3.谜底为C项。这一题的空缺与上一题的空缺同在一个句子中,是以作念题要作念到前后呼应。通过高下文,咱们得知,教师觉得梦想的学生不应该只对获取高分感意思,还应该有一种学习的能源,这种能源就在四个采用中。for the sake of ...示意“为了…想法”,如:He cited the example for the sake of comparison.(他为了对比举了阿谁例子)。研究高下文得知,既然磨真金不怕火不赞颂学生只对获高分感意思,也不会赞颂学生为了“获奖”或“文娱”而学习。固然咱们不错说“为了职责而学习”,但全文莫得普及学生的学习与以后职责方面有研究,而主要讲的是行为学生,学习时代教师但愿他们怎样学习以及在学习方面教 师与学生的遭殃等。因此,for the sake of learning在真理上最贴切,即:一个梦想的学生应该具有为获取知识而学习的能源。4.谜底为C项。该题仍不错从语义上获取正确谜底。领先从搭配结构上分析不错摈斥B项,innocent背面只可跟介词“ of”,如: He is innocent of a crime.(他无罪)。若是把 for 看作念是示意原因,那么dismissed与 criticized的句意又完全解释欠亨,无论如何也不会是“磨真金不怕火把学生开除了或是品评他们,是因为学生学习磨真金不怕火打法的功课”,这昭着既不相宜高下文、又不符学问 。只消选项C,语法上与be responsible for…这一结构相符,语义、结构上也都讲得通,不失为最好谜底。5.谜底为B项。通过下文"It is the student`s responsibility to find books, magazines…. Professors do not have the time to explain…”以及“…students should not be too dependent on professors”,咱们不错作念出判断,教训不心爱学生太依赖磨真金不怕火,学生们应该有我方的安谧性、主动性,因此, minimum放在空缺处最能抒发此意。 maximum是“最大适度、界限的”,碰巧与B项真理相背;C项的assistant`s虽说语意上行得通,而结构上却应该摈斥,因为assistant是可数名词,当它以单数体式第一次出当前,前边应有不定冠词“an”;D项与A项疏浚,抒发的均是“教训盼望学生在率领下完成研究任务”,事实上,下文的内容证明了这是造作的判断,与下文内容恰好相背。6.谜底为D项。从语法结构来分析,B项不错摈斥,因为explain引导的宾语从句中的谓语动词works是不足物动词,不可能由what来引导的宾语从句。其他三项均是副词,语法上都讲得通,但在语义及学问不雅念上经不住推敲。领先,作念为大学生,他们不可能不知谈藏书楼的作息时期,更不可能愚笨到不知谈藏书楼为何存在;再者,字据学问来判断,这些都不是教训份内应尽的遭殃。只消D项的how用在该处最为贴切,证实教训没恐怕期率领学生该如何地查阅文件。7.谜底为C项。该题属于词汇辨异。领先不错摈斥D项,因为origins是“发源、启事”之意,用在该处不相宜句意。selections为“精选物”,collections是“收罗物”,exhaust在此句的风趣是“详备无遗地论说”,当动词用,字据句意,“教训盼望学生、尤其是研究生大约详备地阐扬藏书楼里参考尊府的出处”,固然selections与collections也可能和reference搭配,但真理却不太简直。sources是“原始资源、出处”的含义,与reference全部示意参考尊府的出处。8.谜底为D项。领先从语法结构上不错摈斥A、B、C三项。因为like和 hate背面只可接不定式或动名词,不成接that引导的从句,dislike背面只可接动名词,且句中的that从句里又出现了诬捏口吻,因此只消prefer一词适用于这一结构。再者,从语意上分析,上文已交待“…professor expects the students to take it actively and to complete it with minimum guidance”,从这一句意也能看出教训的魄力,他们不但愿学生过多地依赖教师。此外,从高下文的逻辑关系上也不错解出此题,空缺的前一句是“professor will help students who need it”(教训会匡助那些需要匡助的学生),但是接下来是一个转动词“but”,证实教训对学生依赖性的另一种魄力了,但愿学生安谧性方面强一些,因而这种逻辑关系提醒咱们不成采用前三项,否则真理关系就分不清了。9.谜底为B项。字据高下句之间的逻辑关系就能解出此题。前一句提到“在好意思国,教训除了教学外,还有许多其他的职责,如行政或研究职责”,因此,就出现了“the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is limited”;换言之,教讲课外与学生在全部的时期相等有限的原因即是上文提到的情况,高下文的内容是一种因果的逻辑关系。A项与D项抒发一种转动关系;C项示意补充关系;只消B项therefore不错抒发因果逻辑关系。10.谜底为C项。本题考检会生对词义及句华文义的联贯。从语法结构看,四个选项均为动词,但它们的词义判然不同,因此必须研究原文。试设计,若是学生在课上有问题问,他们决不会使教训过问、不满或者扣留,不错摈斥annoy和 attach。 greet也只是示意碰面“打呼叫”,若是学生课上碰到问题,只是与教训打呼叫还不够,而应该去找教训或预约一个时期,因此应选 approach,作念动词用时,它不错指“走近,与…打交谈”。 Sample 2. An American 1 has successfully tested a way to clean waste water without chemicals. The 2 uses green plants. Researcher William Jewell is an agricultural engineer at Cornell University in New York State. He calls his cleaning method the nutrient film techique. He says it is very simple. It is based 3 a fact that waste water is an excellent plant food.The United States Environmental Protection Agency is supporting Professor Jewell`s experiments. The tests were carried 4 at an existing waste water treatment center in the northeastern state of New Hampshire. The scientists put plants in narrow containers 5 a glass building. One end of each container was a little higher than the other and waste water was directed down the containers through the plants` thick roots. 6 expected, the roots trapped the wastes in the water and used them for food. At the same time, the plants produced natural gas. The gas could be 7 and sold as fuel.Professor Jewell says his nutrient film technique is more 8 than most chemical systems. He also says it can produce clean water for about half the cost. And he says, the technique can be used in treatment centers fueled 9 the sun. Four places in Florida 10 are using green plants to clean their waste water. 1.[A] observer [B] research [C] explorer [D] expositor2.[A] means [B] ways [C] method [D] technique3.[A] at [B] for [C] in [D] on4.[A] on [B] off [C] out [D] over5.[A] inside [B] outside [C] beneath [D] opposite6.[A] As [B] So [C] As were [D] So were7.[A] concentrated[B] organized[C] assembled[D] collected8.[A] affective [B] effective[C] frequent [D] efficient9.[A] by [B] from [C] in [D] under10.[A] yet [B] still [C] already [D] exactly解题念念路1.谜底为B项。本题属于词义辨析。observer是“不雅察者,驳斥家”; researcher指“研究东谈主员,造访者”,既可指从事纯学术研究也可指从事实验科学研究的东谈主员;explorer为“探险家;勘测者”,多指从事探险、矿物资勘测的东谈主员; expositor作念“证实者;磨真金不怕火东谈主”。这四个词都是名词,均指东谈主,但是在本文中,指的是大约而况“照旧测验胜利一种无用化学药物来处理废水格局”的东谈主,为此不错判断, researcher不错用来指代这种东谈主。下文的“ Researcher William Jewell…”也证明这种采用的正确性。2.谜底为D项。该题是近义词辨析,考检会生对这四个名词的用法的阔别材干。A项的means固然是复数体式,但是常作单数用,可指一切格局或妙技;way是最常用词,既可指一般的看法也可指个东谈主的或稀奇的神情格局,多与介词of或动词不定式搭配使用。如:She has changed her way of living.(她更正了我方的生计神情);C项的method多指有系统地、按格局处理事物的格局或表面性的格局黑丝 少妇,如:the duductive/inductive method(演绎法/归纳法);D项的technique往往指工艺或艺术上的“时期黑丝 少妇,技巧;格局”,如:popularized the new advanced techniques “扩充先进的新时期(格局)”。字据高下文的语义及结构搭配,不错算计这里指的是处理废水的新格局(时期),鉴于ways是复数体式与题意和谓语单数动词(uses)均不相符,正确谜底应是D项。3.谜底为D项。该题考检会生对于固定搭配词组的掌抓情况。四个采用项均为介词,哪一个正确要看能否与be based搭配。动词短语be based on (upon)示意“以…为字据;基于…”,如:His argument was based on facts.(他的论点以事实为字据)。文中本句的风趣是“这种处理废水新格局的旨趣为:废水是植物的极好肥料”。其他三个采用项与base不搭配,因而全部摈斥。4.谜底为C项。四个采用与动词carry都搭配,即:无论从语法角度如故所需填词的词性采用方面都莫得什么造作,问题就在词义上,carry on 示意“进行下去;络续开展”,强调遣作的延续和进行,如:Let`s carry on with the work even though we may run into still greater difficulties.(咱们络续作念这项职责吧,即使会碰到更大的艰巨也要干下去); carry off是“赢得(奖章等);胜利地完成”,如: Who has carried off the first prize in the contest? (谁在比赛中得了第又名?);carry out有“进行(到底);扩充;完成;开展”之意,如: We expect him to carry out his promises.(咱们期待他履行诺言); carry over是“使络续下去;把…争取到我方这边来”,如: We did our best to carry him over and at last succeeded.(咱们神勇争取他,到底胜利了)。字据高下文的信息可知该测验照旧完成并取得预期终端,因此,正确谜底选carry out。5.谜底为A项。本题考检会生介词用法的阔别材干和语义的联贯。家喻户晓,inside示意“在…里面”,既可指在房屋、建筑物的里面也可指在某个党派、组织或团体的里面,还不错示意在章程的时期内并多指早于所章程的时期; outside与 inside碰巧相背,它们是一双反义词; beneath是“在…(正)下方”; opposite则为“在…的对面”。从文中的句意来看,科学家把植物放在褊狭容器中,这个褊狭容器一定是在玻璃暖房里,若是是在外面也就没必要提玻璃暖房。至于 beneath与 opposite那都不可能的。6.谜底为A项。本题考检会生对句子结构的联贯,领先不错先分析一下句法结构。expect是动词作念谓语,就是说空缺处的词应该是主语。选项A的as 不错是代词,指背面主句中所叙述的通盘内容,as expected 等于as was expected(如所预感的那样),如: As was expected, excessive drinking and smoking caught up with him.(正如所料,他过度饮酒吸烟) As is announced in the paper, our country has launched another manmade earth satellite.(正如报纸所说,我国又辐射一颗东谈主造地球卫星)选项B中的 so用作代词时,多与 assume, believe, do, expect, guess, hope, say, suppose, tell, think, be afraid等动词连用,代替前文的词语或风趣,示意“如斯;这样”,如: I expect so. (我看是这样)He hopes he will win and I hope so too.(他但愿我方会赢,我也但愿如斯)可见, so 用作代词时其用法与as用作关系代词的用法判然不同, as 在句子中作东语,且指背面主句的通盘内容;而so 在句子中无可救药,指上文的通盘内容。值得一提的是,选项C具有很大的迷惑性,它的造作在于谓语动作用了复数,而施行上这种结构需要用单数,如:As is expected 或As was expected…7.谜底为D项。collect一词是“收罗,蚁集”等含义,终点指按照一定计划进行收罗,是浩繁用语。字据高下文的逻辑关系及语义搭配,该空缺的最好采用词为 collect。 concentrate意为把精细力、元气心灵、念念想等“蚁集在…”,如: They always concentrate their efforts on finding ways to reduce costs.(他们老是用逸待劳找出镌汰老本的看法。) organize意为“组织;把…编组”,用于“组建”公司、俱乐部,“组织”小组、会议、参不雅、旅游或竞赛等; assemble示意“集结;调集;安装”,强调为某个特定的想法而收罗,多用于“集结”学生、“召集”议员、“收罗”材料、“调集”军力、“安装”机器等,如: We need skilled workers who can assemble cars very quickly.(咱们需要会赶紧安装汽车的熟练工东谈主。)8.谜底为B项。该题考检会生对近义词的辨析,考生打发采用谜底词语自身内在含义的轻飘远离和这些词语在句中的不同用法有真切联贯。文中本句的句意为:“朱厄尔教训说,他的滋补膜法比其他大多数化学格局更有用”,字据句意,领先不错摈斥A、C两项。effective指“有用的,胜利的”,多用来修饰事物,并强调产生所预期的后果,如: take effective measures(接纳有用措施); efficient是“效用高的”,与 effective是同义词,但多用于修饰东谈主,并强调大约产生所预期的后果而又省俭时期或元气心灵,也可修饰物,如: A skilled surgeon is efficient.(一个熟练的外科大夫的效用是很高的。)字据高下文的逻辑关系及语义搭配, effective用在空缺比 efficient更为贴切。造作选项A的 affective与 effective词形周边,但真理完全不同。 affective是“情谊方面的,由情谊引起的”,如: an affective disorder(热枕神经病);选项C的造作在于 frequent示意“通常发生的,频频的”,指事物发生的频繁性,与句意不相符。9.谜底为A项。四个采用项都为介词,本题是考检会生对于不同介词含义的了解。fuel用作不足物动词意为“供给燃料”,多与介词 at或in连用,示意添加燃料的地点,如: The ship will have to fuel at the nearest port.(这条船需在最近的口岸添加燃料。)句中的 fuelled by…是昔日分词短语作定语,意为“用…行为燃料”, by的含义为“靠;由;字据”等,如: read by electric light(在电灯光下念书); a power station fuelled by uranium(用铀作燃料的发电站)。从语意及句子高下文内容来看,介词by最相宜题义。10.谜底为C项。该题领先必须明确句子的逻辑关系,上文提到“And he says, the technique can be used in treatment centers fuelled by the sun.”,该句又交待“Four places…”,而况时态用的是进行时态,这就充分证实该句对上一句是一种补充,或者就是例证,证实在佛罗里达有四个地方照旧用绿色植物来清洁废水,因此采用already,它多用于确定句,示意“照旧”;yet也不错作“照旧”解,但常用于疑问句,如: Is Jenny off the phone yet?(珍妮电话打罢了吗?)此外,yet还不错示意一种转动的逻辑关系,在该文中,高下文看不出是转动关系,故摈斥之; still用作副词意为“还;仍旧”及 exactly都赫然不相宜句意,均应摈斥。Sample 3. The salt which gave both the city and the province their name has been mined in this region for centuries. The province 1 part of the Limestone Alps, the lakes of the western Saizkammergut, the eastern section of the Kitzbüheler Alps, the northern part of the Hohe Tauern 2 and the western area of the Niedere Tauern.The city of Salzburg(pop. approximately 139,000)is the 3 of the provincial government and also of the Archbishop of Salzburg. 4 the home of Mozart, it developed in the years after 1945, along with the rest of the province, 5 a focal point for the international tourist trade. The whole of the old city has been 6 and now represents an integral work of art in its own 7 . The thermal springs in the Gastein Valley have established an international reputation for the spa resorts of Badgastein and Bad Hofgastein. Small towns such as SaalbachHinterglemm, Zellam See and Kaprun have become widely known in recent years 8 winter sports centres. Kaprun has also attracted widespread interest with the Glockner Kaprun project, part of the Tauern hydro?electric complex.Rapid progress in the tourist sector has been accompanied 9 similar developments in other specialised industrial fields, many of them export?oriented. Culture and science have not 10 behind. The internationally renowned Salzburg Festival, founded in 1920, is supplemented now by Herbert von Karajan`s Easter Festival and Whitsun concert series as well as by a number of other festivals. The University of Salzburg was reopened in 1962. 1.[A] contains [B] includes [C] encloses [D] involves2.[A] range [B] mount [C] extent [D] mountain3.[A] place [B] spot [C] seat [D] region4.[A] Hence [B] Thereby [C] Since [D] Once5.[A] to [B] into [C] from [D] for6.[A] protected [B] conserved [C] preserved [D] maintained7.[A] right [B] perfect [C] exact [D] correct8.[A] for [B] as [C] to [D] of9.[A] to [B] in [C] by [D] with10.[A] fell [B] delayed [C] lingered [D] lagged解题念念路1.谜底为B项。本题属于近义词辨异。采用项A、B和D都有“包含,包括”之意,但它们的含意、侧重和所指不尽疏浚。领先,include 多强调某一事物的举座包含或容纳作念为举座一部分的和各个安谧的部分,举例:The club includes a gym, swimming pool, sauna and locker room.(该俱乐部里有健身房、拍浮池,桑拿及更衣室);contain指“包含,容纳”,如:Sea water contains salt.(海水含有盐分);involve是“包括”,含有例必包括之意,如:The execution of a scheme or plan involves the expenditure of much time and money.(扩充有规划或计划需要花许多时期和钞票);enclose的词意是“把…封住,把…围住”。字据语义,该题的正确谜底选B。2.谜底为A项。该题仍是近义词判断。从著作的高下文来看,该句是指Salzburg包括有阿尔卑斯山脉Limestone山的一部分、西Salzkammergut的一些湖泊…等地区,可见the Hohe Tauern 是奥地利境内的山脉。range是“山脉”,不错是 a mountain range 或a range of mountains; mount 既可指“大山”(mountain),也可指“小山”(hill),在当代英语中多用于诗歌或山岭名词之前,略作Mt., 如Mt. Tai(泰山),Mt. Jolmolungma(珠穆朗玛峰);mountain的复数体式也可指“山脉”,如:the Rocky Mountains(落基山脉) ,the Himalayan Mountains(喜马拉雅山脉)。mountain的单数体式只指“大山、山丘”。从词义来看,只消range搭配。extent指“广度;进度”与高下文内容绝不联系。3.谜底为C项。四个选项的词义都与“地点”相关联。place为“位置、场合;地位”等;spot是“现场、地点”,尤指发生地或场合,如:This is the spot where the accident took place.(这就是出事的地方);seat意为“通盘地;活动中心”,如:In the US, Washington is the seat of government and New York City is the chief seat of commerce.(在好意思国,华盛顿是政事中心,纽约是主要的贸易中心);region多指“限制、界限。从高下文语义上判断,Salzburg城是省政府的所在地,亦然Salzburg大主教管区。因此,谜底选seat.4.谜底为D项。领先来判断空缺处的词性,应该是副词,尽管四个选项都可作副词,但从语义上看,只消D项相宜。once意为“一度,也曾”(at some time in the past)在句中与同位语the home of mozart全部作时期状语,这种“副词+同位语”结构,多用来充任无动词分句中的一个因素的状语,像then, obviously, also,normally等均可与证实性同位因素连用,举例:Your brother, obviously an expert on English grammar, is highly praised in the book I`m reading.(你哥哥昭着是位英语语法行家,他在我读的这本书中受到高度讴颂)。 hence意为“因此,是以”,示意终端逻辑关系;thereby是“由此,从而”,多置于句中或句末,如:The strike closed the ports, thereby adversely affecting the international balance of payments.(歇工使那些口岸关闭,由此例必会对国出门入差额产生不利影响);since作副词用时多与完成时态连用,意为“从那时以后;其后”,如:This dam has since stood the trial of several floods.(从那时起水坝已继承了几次激流的考验)5.谜底为B项。该题属于搭配及语义判断题,从结构上看四个选项都是介词,但从语义角度则束缚。develop to 是“发展到”,如:develop to a high degree of maturity(发展到高度熟识阶段);develop into是“发展成为”,如:The manufacture has already developed into a large and flourishing industry.(该制造业已发展成为宏大而兴旺的工业);develop与 from搭配示意“从…发展而来”,如:Lung fever dervelops from flu.(肺炎由流感而引起),develop 与for不搭配。故从语义及词组搭配来看,B是正确谜底。6.谜底为C项。本句的语义是“老城区保存无缺…”,字据语义,正确谜底是preserve,它含有“保存(房舍、谈德步履、场景等)”,如:These fine old houses should be preserved for the future.(为了未来应该把这些漂亮的老屋子保存好)。A项的protect指“保护”,多用于保护东谈主免遭侵袭、危境的伤害、保护植物免受天然条款的损坏等;B项的conserve多用于“保存”元气心灵、力量、健康,也可用于保护天然尊府,如:conserve natural resources(保护天然资源),conserve one`s energy(保存元气心灵);D项的maintain示意“保持,小器,维修”等,专指保持速率、警惕性、研究、友谊、作用等。7.谜底为A项。四个选项都是示意进度的形容词,词义又周边。但是字据搭配结构只消right正确。in one`s own right是指“凭自身的职权(材干、实力、经验、质料等)”,如:Vermouth, aromatized wine, is becoming popular in its own right.(味好意思念念芳醇酒凭其自身的质料正日益成为群众所爱饮用的名酒)8.谜底为B项。从结构上看,四个采用项介词都可与know搭配。领先,be known for示意“因…而家喻户晓”,如:The place is knoum for its handicraft products.(这地方因其手工艺品而出名);be known as 含“被称为…;以…著称”之意;be known to是“为…所知”,如:I shouldn`t trust him;he`s known to the police.(我不应该信任他,他是探员熟知的东谈主物);know of 为“知谈;传说过”,无用被迫语态。字据漫笔的语义小城镇如扎尔巴赫——欣特格莱姆、滨湖策尔、卡普隆,连年来照旧成为冬季体育诱导中心而 申明远扬,因此,应选be known as.9.谜底为C项。尽管四个采用都为介词,只消by与 with不错与 accompany 搭配。be accompanied by示意“由…伴随;同期发生”,如:She was accompanied by her brother.(她由她兄弟追随)A decreased income has been accompanied by increased expenditure.(收入有所减少,与此同期支拨却有所加多);be accompanied with是“带有,兼有”,如:All orders must be accompanied with cash.(通盘的定货单必须随附现款)。原文的句义是“跟着旅游业方面的赶紧发展,其他专门化的工业部门也很快地发展起来”,字据句意,正确选项是C。10.谜底为D项。从语义上不错摈斥B、C两项。delay是“眈搁,延误”而linger是“贻误,拖延”,如:He lingered in the garden until it was dark.(他在花圃里一直耽搁到天黑)Daylight lingers on in the summertime.(在夏令,天迟迟不暗下来)。从固定搭配上看,fall behind 不错指“逾期,跟不上”,如:Thongh we marched quickly for ten miles, no one fell behind.(咱们快速行军了十英里,但莫得一个东谈主掉队);lag behind也指“逾期”,如:At first he lagged behind in the race, but soon he picked up speed and overtook the other contestants one by one.(比赛刚初始的时候,他落在后边,但没多久他就加速速率,把其他选手一一抛在背面)。尽管这两个词组真理疏浚,但是原文用的是咫尺完成时,选项中的动词应是昔日分词,而A项中的动词是fall的昔日式,而不是昔日分词,因此,谜底只消D项。Sample 4. Customs officers at a London airport yesterday found & 500,000 worth of drugs which were being smuggled into Britain in boxes marked“Urgent Medical Supplies.”The authorities might have suspected for some time 1 drugs were being brought into the country in this way. The behaviour is believed to be the work of a 2 international group. Four men were arrested at the airport and held for questioning, 3 it is unlikely that they are the organizers. In fact they declared that they were 4 of what the boxes contained and had acted in good faith in bringing 5 into Britain.This is the third time in six months that attempts have been made to smuggle 6 goods through customs by declaring them to be medical supplies. They are frequently 7 in special containers and awarning is given that they may be 8 if they are not handled with care.We are determined to put a 9 to this practice, said one of the customs officers today. There is no way these people are going to get away 10 this any longer. We have the full cooperation of the International Police who are as anxious as we are to track down the main source of supply.1.[A] what [B] where [C] although [D] when2.[A] well constructed[B] welldesigned[C] wellcomposed[D] wellorganized3.[A] but [B] so [C] because [D] as4.[A] unconscious[B] unaware[C] unfamiliar [D] unknown5.[A] all [B] it [C] them [D] such6.[A] immoral [B] criminal [C] illegal [D] irregular7.[A] parked [B] picked [C] passed [D] packed8.[A] harmed [B] injured [C] damaged [D] hurt9.[A] stop [B] hold [C] stay [D] step10.[A] off [B] in [C] for [D] with解题念念路1.谜底为A项。从语法结构看,空缺处的词和它背面的其他部分全部充任动词suspect的宾语,在这个宾语从句中,空缺里的词仍然充任宾语,因此,要采用结合代词what,如:Don`t put off till tomorrow what you can do today.(“今天颖异的事情不要鼓舞来日”或“今天事今天作念”)。结合代词what在引导的名词从句中不错充任主语、宾语、介词宾语、主语补语。B项的where和D项的when都是结合副词,在所引导的句中只可作状语,分别示意地点和时期,举例:where I go is none of your business.(我去哪与你不枢纽)He did not say when he would return,but I presume he will be back for dinner.(他没说什么时候回归,但我想他会回归吃晚餐的)。至于选项C,早就应该摈斥,although作连词只可引导状语从句而不成引导宾语从句。2.谜底为D项。该题必须从语义上加以判断。句子中被修饰的名词是international group,是一个组织。construct是“开荒、构筑”,不错说“a wellconstructed building”,但不成修饰group; design为“设计、计划”,不错是“a welldesigned building or dress”等,也不成修饰东谈主;compose示意“组成、组成”,所带的宾语也只关联词物,而不是东谈主,如:a piece of wellcomposed music.只消 organize 一词既可接东谈主又可接物作其宾语,a wellorganized international group是“一个组织考究无比的国外团伙”。3.谜底为A项。该题考检会生对高下文逻辑关系的判断。前半句提到“有四个东谈主在机场被逮捕且接受审讯”,按常理讲,这被逮捕的四个东谈主确定是“大鱼”,可下半句却是“it is unlikely that they are the organizers”,前后两个句子之间的关系相等赫然,存在着转动逻辑关系,因此,采用but。其他三个选项均示意因果逻辑关系,与原文语义不相符,故全部摈斥。4.谜底为B项。尽管四个采用项都是形容词,但从结构上一看便知只消A项和B项相宜,因为unconscious 和unaware能跟介词“of”搭配, unfamilar不错接to或with; unknown只可接 to。从真理上讲, be unconscious of示意“没相识到的(一般指内心所没相识到的),如 He was unconscious of his mistake (他没相识到我方的错);be unaware of是“不知谈的,没觉察到的”,一般用于感官可及的外界事物,如: He is unaware of the dangers of cigarette smoking.(他没相识到吸烟的危害)。因此,无论从真理上如故语法结构上看,B项都相宜该句的要求。5.谜底为C项。该题属于指代关系的判断,略读原文咱们便知那四个东谈主“unaware of what the boxes contained”,他是受东谈主之托把 “them”带到了英国,这里的“ them”确定是指 boxes,换言之,空缺处要求填的代词应该是指 boxes。固然四个选项都是代词,但all 指的是通盘的东谈主或物;it 是单数;such更多是行为放弃词或与 as全部出咫尺句子里;而该句中高下文里明确指的就是那四个箱子,故选them。 6.谜底为C项。该题属于词义辨析。immoral 是“不谈德的”,criminal是“有罪的、违警的”,咱们不错说“immoral action”或“ criminal action”,但要说“ immoral goods”或“ criminal goods ”昭着欠妥。irregular是“不法令,不整皆的”,也不相宜句意。著作一初始便交待这个国外团伙私运的是毒品,而毒品恰是天下上列国视为犯科的商品,因而贩毒组织往往把毒品冒充其他商品通过海关私运, illegal是“作歹的、分歧法律的”,碰巧相宜语意。7.谜底为D项。该题属于词形周边、而词义不同的词汇辨异题。park 行为动词讲是指:“停放(车辆)”;pick是“蚁集、采用”; pass 为“经过;行进”;pack则为“包装,挤满;把…装箱”,如:The trains are packed with holidaymakers.(火车上挤满了度假的东谈主) Pack your books in this box.(把你的书装入这只箱子)。原文该句的风趣是“这些犯科的毒品频频用稀奇的箱子包装”,因此,选用packed。8.谜底为C项。该题考检会生对这组近义词的辨异材干。harm 的含义侧重于“损伤,伤害”,可指精神或体格的伤害,进度较轻,如:Don`t harm your eyes by reading in dim light.(不要在昏黑的灯光下看书而伤害了眼睛);injure指“损伤,受伤”,宝贵仪表、机能的损坏,举例: She was injured badly in the accident.(事故中她受了伤);damage意为“破碎,损坏”,如: Hundreds of houses were damaged by the storm.(摇风雨恣虐了数百家房屋);hurt指“伤害;刺痛”,尤指在精神或体格上的伤害,含有浓烈的凄婉,举例:No feelings were hurt though the criticism was sharp.(品评固然猛烈,却未伤情谊)。文采夏句句意是:若是不防范搬运,就有可能弄坏这些东西,故从词义上看,只消选项C最能抒发此义。9.谜底为A项。该题属于词语搭配景况,put a stop to sth.是示意“使某事停驻来或者兑现某事”,施行上就是“ stop sth.”或“ make an end of sth.”举例:Let`s put a stop to this dispute and discuss the problem rationally.(别再争吵了,让咱们大 家千里着平缓地商讨这一问题吧)。其他三个采用项都不成同put组成词组。10.谜底为D项。本题仍是考检会生对词组搭配知识的掌抓,四个采用的介词能与get away搭配的只消D项,get away示意“灭绝(攻讦、处理或不悠闲)而能班师行事”,举例:Those who lie and cheat will never get away with it.(那些撒谎和拐骗别东谈主的东谈主决不会逃过处理)The colonialists could never get away with the innumerable crimes they had committed against the oppressed people. (殖民主义者对被压迫东谈主民犯下了无数罪责,是十足脱逃不了处理的)。其他三个介词都不与get away搭配。Sample 5.The United States is wellknown for its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time. 1 these wide modern roads are generally smooth and well maintained, with few sharp curves and many straight 2 ,a direct route is not always the most 3 one. Large highways often pass by scenic areas and interesting small towns. Furthermore, these highways generally 4 large urban centre which means that they become crowded with heavy traffic during rush hours, 5 the“fast, direct”way becomes a very slow route.However there is 6 always another route to take if you are not in a hurry.Not far from the 7 new“superhighways”, there are often older, less heavily travelled roads which go through the countryside.Some of these are good twolaneroads; others are uneven roads 8 through the country. These secondary routes may go up steep slopes, along high 9 ,or down frightening hillsides to towns lying in deep valleys. Through these less direct routes, longer and slower, they generally go to places 10 the air is clean and the scenery is beautiful,and the driver may have a chance to get a fresh,clean view of the world. 1.[A] Although [B] Since [C] Because [D] Therefore2.[A] selections [B] separations[C] series [D] sections3.[A] terrible [B] possible [C] enjoyable [D] profitable4.[A] lead [B] connect [C] collect [D] communicate5.[A] when [B] for [C] but [D] that6.[A] yet [B] still [C] almost [D] quite7.[A] relatively [B] regularly [C] respectively[D] reasonably8.[A] driving [B] crossing [C] curving [D] travelling9.[A] rocks [B] cliffs [C] roads [D] paths10.[A] there [B] when [C] which [D] where解题念念路1.谜底为A项。从高下文的逻辑关系来看,应该是一个转动关系,上句是“these wide modern roads are generally smooth and well maintained…”,下句就是“a direct route is not always the most…”,昭着,主句与从句的内容相驳,故选although。B项与C项都示意原因的逻辑关系,而其后的主句“a direct route is…”并不赫然地示意终端。D项示意终端,该词应该放在示意终端的分句之前,不成在莫得任何示意原因的情况下句子着手就用之示意终端。2.谜底为D项。从上文中咱们得知:这些宽阔的当代公路都相等平整,保重考究无比,很少有急转弯。由此,咱们不错判断section 相宜高下文真理。section示意“路段,路面,部分”,举例:the northern section of the route(路的北段); seclection是指“挑选;挑选的东西”,如: The blue hat was her husband`s selection.(蓝帽子是她丈夫挑的),The shop offered a very good selection of hats.(这家店的帽子面孔好多);separation示意“分离,分开”,如: He was unhappy because of his separation from his mother. (他因为与母亲分离而不快);series是“系列;连气儿的事物”,如:a television series(电视系列片) a series of good harvests(连年的好收获)。前三项词义与题义不符,故摈斥。3.谜底为C项。从语法结构上看,四个选项都不错填入空缺处。但从高下文分析,前两项采用赫然地不适合,因为著作一初始提到高速公路的一些优点,那么“直的道路”就不应该是“terrible”。不异,上文照旧提到高速公路有许多直的路段这一事实,因此,也没必要再计议直的路段是否“possible”。profitable意为“有意可图的,获利的”,这里还看不出投资与收益的问题,因而也谈不上是否“profitable”。只消C项“enjoyable”最相宜题意,作家的想法在于告诉咱们:直的道路也并不老是那么令东谈主爽朗,事实上,作家接下去就具体谈到了爽朗的原因。4.谜底为B项。此题属于词义辨析,原词句意是指“这些高速公路基本都结合大的城市中心”,字据句意,采用connect。lead示意引导,常用于下列情况:lead the way (带路),lead the world in the production of oil(在石油出产方面名列天下前茅),因此,不成说“高速公路引导大的城市中心”,这有些不太合适。collect意为“收罗,储藏”,与本词句意毫无关系。communicate作及物动词用时示意“传达,传送”,用在该处也分歧适。5.谜底为A项。此题是考检会生对句法结构的掌抓,刚一看似乎是高下文的逻辑关系,仔细推敲会发现。蓝本该句是定语从句中又套个定语从句,空缺处的词是个示意时期的关系副词。其先行词是rush hours, 只消when大约引导这个非适度性定语从句。其他三个采用也相比容易摈斥。领先,for示意因果关系,但是前后两个句子之间昭着不是这种逻辑关系,更不是转动关系,因此,也摈斥but;D项的 that不错行为结合代词引导名词性从句或行为关系代词引导适度性定语从句,且在从句中不成作状语,故也不可能用在该空缺处。 6.谜底为C项。该题不错从逻辑关系及搭碎裂度来判断。固然四个选项都是副词,但是能与always 搭配用的只消almost,举例:He is almost always late.(他险些总迟到)。yet示意转动,若是用在此处例必与 however的真理近似;still与 quite又与 always不搭配,为此,只消采用C项。 7.谜底为A项。此题从词义及词形上考检会生的材干。四个采用项都是副词,A项的relatively意为“相对地,相比地”,举例:Today is a relatively fine day for the time of year.(今天算得上是这个季节里明朗的一天);B项的regularly是“有轨则地,均匀地”;C项 respectively指“各自地,分别地”,如:The first and second prizes went to Mary and Tom respectively.(玛丽和汤姆分别得头奖和二奖)Mary and her sister were respectively 12 and 15 years old.(玛丽12岁,她姐姐15岁);D项reasonably则示意“合理地;十分”,如:The car is in reasonably good order.(这车十分好)。了解了这些词义之后,再研究下文的“there are often older,less heavily travelled roads which go through the countryside.”咱们不丢丑出,只消relatively用在此处最妥贴,因此 ,谜底采用A项。8.谜底为B项。固然四个采用从语法结构角度讲都不错填入空缺处,但从逻辑真理上分析则否则。A项driving 的主语往往是一个产纯真作的东谈主或物,昭着此处的driving the roads讲欠亨;curving从真理上讲得通,但 curve一般与 round或 around 连用;travelling此处与 driving相似,示意的亦然一个动作,咱们不错说“The good news travelled quickly.”(佳音赶紧传开),但 travel 与road搭配欠妥;只消 cross频频与 through搭配,示意“通过”。9.谜底为B项。从上文语意来看,此处描写的是山区的公路,上句提到“These secondary routes may go up steep slopes”(这些次要公路上斜坡好多),下句的“ or down… hillsides…”都给咱们提供了要津词,那就是“ steep slopes”与“ deep valleys ”,从中咱们不错判断出空缺处的词是对前半句的补充证实,既然路朝上蔓延到陡峻的山坡,与陡壁cliff相伴的也就严容庄容了。A项的route根柢不错不予计议;选项C词义周边,在真理都跟前半句提到的route相似,均不错摈斥。10.谜底为D项。从语法结构来看空缺处的词必须是结合前后两个句子,那么领先不错摈斥A项,因为there 不成起任何结合词的作用。其他三个选项或关系代词或是关系副词,在句子中引导一个定语从句,其先行词是places,示意地点,因而只可采用关系副词 where,在定语从词中,where仍然作地点状语。when尽管亦然关系副词,在定语从句中只作时期状语;而关系代词 which在定语从句中作东语或宾语。Sample 6. Do some FL (Foreign Language) reading every day and try to finish one FL book at least every week. You are no doubt 1 ?with little spare time, and this may sound unrealistic.But if you read in the 2 described, it is perfectly possible. The key is to be honest with yourself about 3 you really enjoy: thrillers, women`s magazines, newspapers-it really doesn`t matter what you read as 4 as it genuinely interests you, because that is the only certain way to make yourself read. It is 5 to reach good speeds by practising on material that is difficult or dull.If you pursue this program for only few months, you should achieve a very marked incerase in your reading 6 . What you do with your FL reading skill when you have developed it is to study for a further qualification. The 7 is that in order to develop the 8 ,a great deal of practice on easy interesting materials is essential. If you can 9 this to yourself by developing your own reading skill by this method, your teaching will carry the certainty that comes only from 10 . 1.[A] bored [B] helpless [C] free [D] busy2.[A] key [B] problem [C] way [D] job3.[A] which [B] when [C] who [D] what4.[A] much [B] good [C] long [D] well5.[A] impossible[B] possible [C] necessary[D] easy6.[A] efficiency[B] effects [C] method [D] capacity7.[A] question [B] point [C] idea [D] problem8.[A] habit [B] idea [C] skill [D] task9.[A] realize [B] tell [C] improve [D] prove10.[A] work [B] experience [C] theory [D] doing解题念念路1.谜底为D项。从语法结构看,四个备选谜底均可填入此处,但从上文“to finish one book at least every week”和下文“with little spare time”来分析,正确谜底只消 busy,因为“ with little spare time”是前一分句“ You are no doubt busy”的终端,这样才前后呼应,相宜高下文语义。其他三个采用项都分歧适。2.谜底为C项。从句意及搭配来判断,谜底只消way, 因为作家不才文描摹的是如何作念到能在一周内读完一册外晓谕,即“读你信得过心爱的东西”,著作中“in the way described”起状语作用,证实以什么神情进行阅读。其他三项与句意均不相符。3.谜底为D项。领先不错摈斥B项,因为它只是一个副词,在句子中充任状语,而空格中的词在句子中无可救药。which, who 和what都是代词,但从语法结构来分析,填入此处的词必须相宜两个条款,既能引导一个从句全部充任介词 about的宾语,又能在从句中充任enjoy的宾语,这三项都相宜第一个条款,但对第二个条款,只消 what相宜,故选D项。4.谜底为C项。从语法结构及搭配知识方面判断,四个选项都不错与as…as搭配。但是阅读通盘句子,咱们发现as…as结构的前后两部分里并莫得什么可相比的内容,因此摈斥A、B两项,他们与as…as连用只示意“用…一样多”及“同…一样好”。as well as 示意“也,又”,如:“I bought a map of the world as well as some picture books.(我买了几本连环画,还买了一张天下舆图)但是这一词组结合的只关联词词或词组,不成结合从句,故也摈斥,临了只剩D项,as long as意为“只消;在…的情况下”,举例:This project can go on as long as it is not raining.(只消不下雨,工程就不错络续进行。)5.谜底为A项。从语意及学问判断,impossible是正确谜底,因为要普及速率,不成靠通过进修难度大或败兴无味的阅读材料 (by practising on material that is difficult or dull),咱们知谈当阅读材料有难度时,必须花十分一部分时期查阅辞书,无疑这样会影响速率,而乏味的材料会令读者意思索然,因此,就不可能通过这种格局达到较快的阅读速率。那么,其他三项也就不错一一滑除。6.谜底为A项。四个采用项似乎都不错,可从漫笔的内容上分析,第一段主要讲了普及阅读速率的格局:“阅读我方信得过感意思而难度又不大的东西。若是这样营救几个月,你的阅读速率确定能得到显耀普及。”普及了阅读速率,也就普及了阅读效用,因此,offieiency用在此处最相宜高下文语义。7.谜底为B项。该题亦然测试考生对词义及高下文语义的联贯。上文讲“what you do with your FL reading skill…is to study for a further qualification”,而接下去建议了发展这种阅读技巧的重心所在,因此选B项,point 在该处的风趣是“the idea that is most essential”(重心)。作家接下去并莫得指登程展外语阅读技巧所存在的问题,是以 question与 problem均不相宜喜悦。8.谜底为C项。从词义上分析,能与develop搭配用的词只消idea和skill。 develop the idea 意为“张开念念想”,但从高下文咱们得知,作家并不是要张开他的念念想,而是指发展阅读技巧,对于这少量,若是读者提防,在上一句的“what you do with your FL reading skill…”就不错找到谜底。能与habit 搭配的动词有cultivate, form, acquire等。不异,不错说fulfil the task, 但不成说develop the tark,因此摈斥A、D两项。9.谜底为D项。从语法结构来看,四个谜底中,有两项不不错,realize 和improve背面不成跟to yourself行为动作的对象;tell背面不错跟to组成“tell sth. to sb.”这一结构,但从真理上讲,此处的this指的是上文的point,这样,“对我方说这一重心就太牵强”。作家在此处是提醒读者,若是按照他建议的这些格局进行阅读,就会证明他所叙述的都是事实,prove用于该处既相宜语法结构,又相宜语义,不愧为最好谜底。10.谜底为B项。字据学问知识及实践教导也不错作念出判断,常言谈:“实践出真知”,更何况在该段落中作家已交待过“The point is that in order to develop the skill, a great deal of practice on easy interesting materials is essential.”在这里,作家强调了实践。咱们知谈,阅读容易而深嗜的材料能发展阅读技巧,但这种阅读技巧的得到需要无数的进修。若是你能证明这一格局的迫切性的话,你在教学中也会具有这种例必的活动,这种东西天然不可能来自表面,应该是来自实践教导,故采用experiece.Sample 7.Cheques have 1 replaced money as a means of exchange, for they are widely 2 everywhere.Though this is very convenient for both buyer and seller, it should not be forgotten that cheques are not real money: they are quite valueless in themselves. A shopkeeper always runs a certain 3 when he takes a cheque and he is quite within his rights if, on occasion, he refuses to do so.People do not always know this and are shocked if their good is 4 in question. An old and very wealthy friend of mine told me he had an extremely unpleasant experience. He went to a famous jewellery shop which keeps a large 5 of precious stones and asked to be shown some pearl necklaces. After 6 several necklaces, he decided to buy a particularly fine string of pearls and asked if he could pay by cheque. The assistant said that this was quite all right,but the 7 my friend signed his name,he was invited into the manager`s office.The manager was very polite, but be explained that someone with exactly the same name had presented them with a worthless cheque not long ago. My friend got very angry when he heard this and said he would buy a necklace somewhere else. When he got up to go, the manager told him that the police would arrive at any moment and he had better stay unless he wanted to get into serious trouble. Sure enough, the police arrived soon afterwards. They apologized to my friend for the 8 , but explained that a person who had used the same name as his was 9 for a number of recent robberies. Then the police asked my friend to copy out a note which had been used by the thief in a number of shops. The note read:“I have a gun in my pocket. Ask no questions and give me all the money in the safe”. Fortunately, my friend`s handwriting was quite unlike the robber`s. He was not only 10 to go without further delay, but to take the string of pearls with him. 1.[A] exactly [B] really [C] largely [D] thoroughly2.[A] circulated [B] accepted [C] approved [D] possessed3.[A] danger [B] chance [C] risk [D] opportunity4.[A] called [B] asked [C] challenged [D] placed5.[A] amount [B] stock [C] counter [D] store6.[A] investigating[B] discovering[C] choosing [D] examining7.[A] cheque [B] tome [C] pen [D] moment8.[A] treatment [B] manner [C] inconvenience[D] behaviour9.[A] questionable [B] doubtful [C] possible [D] responsible10.[A] ordered [B] allowed [C] forced [D] agreed解题念念路1.谜底为C项。此题考检会生对词义及语义的掌抓情况。从语法结构和词语搭配上看,四个采用都可填入空缺处,经过雅致阅读高下文,咱们作念出正确判断。领先,支票不可能thoroughly(完全地、绝对地)取代现款行为支付妙技,因为第一段临了一句说“ A shopkeeper… when he takes a cheque and… on occasion, he refuses to do so”(店主…必要时可拒出入票);再者,在第二段中,作家的一又友在选中项链后问售货员是否不错支付支票,这些都证实支票尚未完全取代现款。另外,exactly和 really与高下文也不吻合。 只消largely(在很猛进度上)相宜题意,且不才文的“for they are widely…”也证明了这少量。2.谜底为B项。该题仍属于词义辨异。circulate 意为“传播、散播、洞开”,但字据高下文咱们看不出支票不错行为货币平庸洞开,更不可能东谈主东谈主都领有(possess)支票;至于approve昭着不相宜高下文,因为逻辑上就讲欠亨。只消B项accepted无论从结构如故真理上都说得昔日,该句证实:由于各地浩繁出入票,因此它已在很猛进度上代替货币行为一 种支付妙技。3.谜底为C项。本题属于词语搭配,run a risk示意“冒风险”,举例:I am afraid you are running a risk setting sail in such storm weather.(挑上这样个摇风雨的天气出航,你恐怕太冒险了吧);与danger搭配的动词主要有 avoid, face, constitute 等;与chance搭配的动词常有“miss a chance”(错过契机),risk a chance”(冒一次险),“take one`s chance”(碰气运);与opportunity搭配的动词主要有 afford, offer,catch, take等。 4.谜底为A项。本题属于词语搭配,call in question 示意“怀疑,不信赖”,如:Several people called in question the truth of his story.(有几个对他所讲的故事的的确性示意怀疑)His honesty has been called in question.(他的老诚值得怀疑)ask, challenge 和place都不与 in question搭配,因此,只可采用A项,漫笔本句的风趣是“…若是有东谈主对他们的老诚示意怀疑…”。 5.谜底为B项。字据词语搭配情况,领先不错把A项摈斥,因为空缺后所修饰的词stones 是可数名词,而an amount of只修饰不可数名词; counter 尽管具有迷惑性,但它不作修饰名词的数目用;store是“贮藏,储存”,举例“Mother has a store of vegetables in the freezer.(母亲在雪柜里存放了蔬菜),但是,若是是 keep a store 会使东谈主联贯为“开一家商店”,因此,也不相宜原文题意。只消B项stock, 在keep a stock of中示意“备有…现货”,用在空缺处相比合适。此外, out of stock 示意“缺货”, in stock意为“存有货色”;take stock of 是“清点,清点存货”。6.谜底为D项。字据下文语意,选中examining, examine 释义为“look at carefully in order to learn about”。investigate是“造访,审查”的风趣,用在此处欠妥,不错说to investigate a crime (造访违警案件)或 to investigate the causes of an accident(造访事故的原因), 可不成说“造访项链”。discover 也赫然是为了充数,可不计议。choose意为“挑选,选中”,强调“决定要买”,若是选 choose就会与下句“he decided to buy a particular fine string of pearls…”相矛盾。只消D项相宜下文语意。7.谜底为D项。but 后的两个句子是主句与分句的关系,昭着,它们之间清寒一个结合词,使两个句子有机地连在全部,moment 碰巧能起到这个作用,the moment 十分于“as soon as”,举例:We hadn`t met for 30 years, but I recognized him the moment I saw him.(咱们照旧30年没碰面了,但我一看见他就认出他了)the moment 十分于一个连词,示意时期。原文本句的句意是“…但我一又友刚刚在支票上把名字签好,就被售货员请到了司理办公室”,其他三个采用项都不相宜这种要求。8.谜底为C项。本题属于词义与语义辨析。著作中谈到司理没让作家的一又友离开,并叫来了探员。但从:The manager was very polite…”又摈斥了A、B和D项,因为这三个采用强调的都是待东谈主的神情或魄力。inconvenience 相比相宜原文语意,它意为“instance of discomfort or trouble”,与原文很贴切,证实“他们为给我一又友带来了未便而谈歉。”9.谜底为D项。本题属于词语搭配,be responsible for sth. 示意“对某事负责或有遭殃”,如:Don`t blame me for the mistake; I`m not responsible for it.(对于这一造作你不要攻讦我,我对此毫无遭殃),D项相比相宜原文语义。possible在作表语时,只可用在It`s possible that…句型中,不成用东谈主来作东语,因此摈斥。questionable 与doubtful不单在高下文语境欠亨,结构也欠亨,故全部摈斥。10.谜底为B项。从结构上来判断不错摈斥D项,不不错使用“sb. is agreed to do sth.”这种结构。其余三项语法结构均正确,但从高下文语义看,既然作家一又友的字迹与匪贼的字迹相异,那么探员就应当允许他立时离开,而不可能“高唱”或“将就”,A项与C项昭着分歧逻辑。Sample 8When television first began to expand, very few of the people who had become famous as radio commentators were able to be effective on television. Some of the difficulties they experienced when they were trying to 1 themselves to the new medium were technical. When working on radio, for example, they had become 2 to seeing on behalf of the listener. This 3 of seeing for others means that the commentator has to be very good at talking. Above all, he has to be able to 4 a continuous sequence of visual images which 5 meaning to the sounds which the listener hears. In the 6 of television, however,the commentator sees everything with the viewer. His role, therefore, is completely different. He is there to make 7 that the viewer does not miss some point of interest,to help him focus on particular things, and to 8 the images on the television screen. Unlike his radio colleague, he must know the 9 of silence and how to use it at those moments 10 the pictures speak for themselves.(91年考题) 1.[A] turn [B] adapt [C] alter [D] modify2.[A] experienced[B] determined[C] established[D] accustomed3.[A] efficiency [B] technology[C] art [D] performance4.[A] inspire [B] create [C] cause [D] perceive5.[A] add [B] apply [C] affect [D] reflect6.[A] occasion [B] event [C] fact [D] case7.[A] definite [B] possible [C] sure [D] clear8.[A] exhibit [B] demonstrate[C] expose[D] interpret9.[A] purpose [B] goal [C] value [D] intention10.[A] if [B] when [C] which [D] as解题念念路1.谜底为B项。字据语义及搭配结构采用adapt。 adapt(oneself) to 示意“顺应,使我方适合某种情况”,举例:She found it difficult to adapt herself to her new surroundings.(她感到难于顺应她周围的新环境),又如: Your treatment of the subject should be adapted to your audience. (你对这个题想法阐扬应该顺应听众的需要)著作的第一句就告诉咱们:当电视刚刚初始发展时,那些著名的电台播音员中险些莫得几个大约在电视上应付自由。这证实从电台播音到电视这一新体式需要一般顺应经过,无疑,adapt是正确谜底。2.谜底为D项。本题考检会生对词语搭配情况的掌抓,“be/become accustomed to sth./doing sth.”是习语搭配,示意“习尚于…”,to为介词,后接名词或动名词,如:As we had been brought up in the country, we were accustomed to walking long distances.(由于咱们在乡间长大,咱们习尚于走长路)。原文空格处又恰好是“to seeing…”,完全相宜要求。此外,accustom 也不错用作及物动词,如:A good traveller can accustom himself to almost any kind of food.”(一个出色的旅行者险些能习尚于任何一种食品),其他三个选项都不搭配。3.谜底为C项。本题属于词义判断,若是收拢句子的结构关系,问题也就理丝益棼了。空格后的介词“of”示意其前后关系是同位关系,即“seeing for others”,它与空格场合填入的名词示意吞并个风趣。举例:the game of cricket(板球比赛),the crime of larceny (盗窃罪),a charge of murder(控告谋杀)。漫笔中本句后半部提到播音员必须善于讲话,也就是说,在听众看不见的情况下话语是一门技巧(art),因此,采用C项相宜题意。某余三项词义与语义均不符。4.谜底为B项。领先必须判断哪一个采用项能与宾语imagies搭配。A项的inspire 是“饱读励,引发”,常用在“inspire sb. with sth.”或“inspire sth.in sb.”结构中,如:“We inspire hope, enthusiasm, etc., in a person/ inspire him with hope,enthusiasm, etc.”(咱们激起某东谈主的但愿、关怀等等);cause常与trouble, accident, inconvenience 等名词连用;perceive 是察觉 =“become aware of ”,其后常接宾语或宾语从句。举例:The chef was able to perceive the most subtle seasoning used in any dish.(那位厨师能在职何菜中尝出极轻飘的调味品)。这三个动词都不与image 搭配,只消B项create(塑造,描画) 可与之搭配用,此外还有change, form, improve 等等,不异可与image连用。5.谜底为A项。字据结构及语义作出的判断。从结构看,空缺处的词必须是及物动词,能与宾语“meaning”搭配,用于“~ sth. to sth.”结构中。固然四个采用项都是及物动词,但相宜这个结构的只消前两项。从高下文语义上看,apply(适用于,支配)分歧逻辑,而add 刚好切意,“add meaning to sounds”示意“使声息变得有真理,专门念念风趣”,如:The lake adds much to the beauty of the landscape. (湖泊使快乐增添秀色。) The dishonest milkman added water to his milk.(不老诚的售奶东谈主把水掺到他出售的牛奶里。)6.谜底为D项。从结构上看只消B、D两项可与in the ~ of搭配,“in the case of”意为“就某东谈主、某事来说;至于”,举例:Poverty depresses most people in the case of my father was otherwise.(艰难使大多数东谈主低头丧气,至于我父亲,却不一样)。再如:Money talks. But in the case of me, it won`t work.(钱能通神,可我却不吃这一套);“in the event of…”示意“若是发生什么事”,比如:in the event of his death/war(若是他死了/发生干戈)这一习语往往被用作一种吞吐难解的话来代替由if 引起的节略从句,举例:“the event of its raining来代替if it rains。从语义来看,case相宜题意。A项的occasion 常与介词on或 at搭配;而C项 fact则常用于 in fact, as a matter of fact, in point of fact等短语中。7.谜底为C项。四个采用都是形容词,但只消sure 可与动词make作谓语,后接 that引导的宾语从句,make sure十分于 make certain ,本文示意“确保;保证”,举例:Before he left the room, he made sure that all the lights were turned off.(他敬佩通盘的灯都关掉后才离开房间)To make sure that the letter was delivered to the adderssee, I registered it.(为了保证信能收到,我把它挂号寄了) make sure/ certain还可能指“查明;弄了了”。其他三个选项尽管都可与 make搭配,但都不成引导that引导的宾语从句。8.谜底为D项。本题必须字据上文语义进行词汇辨析。exhibit 是“展览、展出”,英文释义为“to show publicly for pleasure, for sale. ”;demonstrate是“证明(通过示范);论证”;expose为“线路,展示”,英语释义为“display, spread out so that there is no difficulty in seeing”;interpret 意为“解释;把…联贯为”,英文为“to show the meaning of sth. in words or by performance ”。原文的风趣是:“匡助不雅众解释屏幕上的画面”,因此,interpret相宜此义,如I interpret your silence as consent.(我把你的千里默联贯为同意)。9.谜底为C项。字据高下文语义作出的判断,“电视证明员应适应保持千里默,终点是当电视画面无须证明时。这就是千里默的价值(the value of silence)”。 purpose是“想法、意图”;goal为“想法、联贯”,某种进度上与 purpose同义;intention是“意图,设计”;“千里默”既非“想法”,亦非“意图”,但它有它的用途或价值,value正合此义。10.谜底为B项。本题触及语法结构知识,也测试考生对于高下文逻辑关系的判断。本句是个定语从句,其先行词为示意时期的介词短语at the moment, 在这种情况,大约引导一个定语从句并在从句中充那时期状语的只消关系副词when。因此,采用B项。若是选if,句意向前后没研究,即背面的条款并不产生前边的终端;关系代词 which在定语从句中不成作状语;as作连语自身就等于at the moment,故这三项都可摈斥。